Testimonials – EverAfter

Testimonials – Info, Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, EverAfter

This page shows a tiny subset of the amazing photos we have received during or after a pet leaves the shelter. So, in a way, these are testimonials by the pets themselves; showing what a great life they are having after adoption!

Eventually we plan to enable adopters, transfer partners, and designated shelter users to continue to post after a pet is adopted or transferred. We believe that having the pets’ diaries continue after their stay in the shelter will show potential adopters and the general public what great family members shelter pets make!

All pets have sample tweets below.
Bonnie (diary), Tyson (diary), AnnMarie (diary), Frida (diary), Chewie (diary), ApplePie (diary), Delco (diary), Conner (diary), Kacey (diary), Fancy (diary), Nena (diary), Athena (diary

(click on tweet to see the paw-to-hand HiFive)
