AdoptMeApp consists of multiple major components: server side code, widget code, shelter management system integration code, social media integration code, databases, a unique ad system, mobile app, & an API for 3rd party integration. All software resides in the cloud, except for the app. Performance, security, are also built in. All code is stored in our private GIT repository. All software resides in the cloud, except for the app.
- Server side code is primarily PHP, 22K* lines. Includes widget code in Javascript. Handles all server functions including:
- Shelter integration (general and shelter management system specific (ShelterBuddy and Chameleon/PetHarbor of HLP. Inc**). Both of our shelter management system partners did extensive coding to fix issues and integrate with AdoptMeApp. Ex: SB – made urls permanent, PH created RSS feed. Integration points are in receiving regular updated information about available pets, and insertion of the AdoptMeApp diary widget in the pet profiles. The diary widget is also highly configurable and standalone and can be extensively configured for use in other webpages (e.g. all dogs, etc.)
- Social media integration: Most of it is general for any social media system, then there is specialized code for using the Twitter API. Other social media systems can easily be added if their APIs exist.
- Databases: SQL. Main data sets are: users, shelters, animals.
Mobile app is developed on Corona SDK which enables cross-platform app development using Lua. It is about 10,000 lines of code.
- API for 3rd party integration
- Performance Optimization built in
- Security Built in
**acquired Aug 18, 2018 by Pethealth Inc.